14 सितंबर 2012

Love is beautiful

Lady Finger for Diabetes ( OKRA ) Take two pieces of Lady Finger and remove/cut both ends of each Piece. Also put a small cut in the middle and put these two pieces in glass of water. Cover the glass and keep it at room temperature during night. Early morning, before breakfast simply remove two pieces of lady Finger from the glass and drink that water. Keep doing it on daily basis. Within two weeks, you will see remarkable results in reduction of your SUGAR. 
Please. try it as it will not do you any harm even if it does not do much good to you, but U have to keep taking it for a few months before U see results, as most cases might be chronic
Love is beautiful, love is crazy, love is sweet, love is fantasy ! So here is a very sweet poem which almost speaks every lover's heart out.. 

Stolen Moments: It’s a world of you and me....
नीम के असरदार साधारण घरेलू प्रयोग -  नीम को आयुर्वेद में एक बहुत ही उपयोगी वनस्पति माना गया है । नीम का प्रयोग अनेक रोगों में चमत्कारी असर दिखाता है ।  नीम के उपयोग से कई लाइलाज बीमारियों को ठीक किया जा सकता है ।
1 नीम का प्रयोग - घाव । दाद । रक्त शोधन में लाभकारी होता है । इसकी पत्तियों का रस भी बहुत गुणकारी माना जाता है । नीम का रस शरीर की रंगत निखारने में असरदार होता है ।

2 गर्भावस्था के दौरान नीम का रस योनि के दर्द को कम करता है । गर्भवती महिलायें लेबर पेन से मुक्ति पाने के लिये नीम के रस से मालिश करती हैं । जिससे गर्भाशय और उसके आसपास के अंगों की सूजन उतर जाती है । भूख लगती है । दस्त साफ होता है । तथा ज्वर नहीं आता । और यदि आता भी है । तो ज्वर का वेग अधिक नहीं होता ।
3 नीम की पत्तियों के रस और शहद को 2-1 के अनुपात में पीने से पीलिया में फायदा होता है । और इसको कान में डालने से कान के विकारों में भी फायदा होता है ।
4 नीम रस पीने से शरीर की गंदगी निकल जाती है । जिससे बालों और त्वचा की सुंदरता में निखर आता है । 

तथा पाचन क्रिया भी ठीक हो जाती है ।
5 नीम रस मधुमेह रोगियों के लिये भी फायदेमंद होता है । अगर कोई स्वस्थ व्यक्ति नीम के रस का रोजाना सेवन करे । तो ऐसे व्यक्ति का ब्लड शुगर लेवल पूरी तरह नियंत्रित रहता है ।
6 नीम के रस की दो बूंदे आँखो में डालने से आँखो की रोशनी बढ़ती है । और अगर कन्जंगक्टिवाइटिस हो गया हो । तो वह भी जल्दी ही ठीक हो जाता है ।
7 यह बुरे एवं बड़े हुये कोलेस्ट्राल को कम या नष्ट करता है । नीम का प्रत्येक माह में 10 दिन तक सेवन करते रहने से हार्ट अटैक की संभावना एवं बीमारी दूर हो सकती है ।
8 नीम के रस का फायदा मलेरिया रोग में किया जाता है । नीम वाइरस के विकास को रोक कर लीवर की कार्य क्षमता को मजबूत करता है ।
जिस समय अधभूखे । अधनंगे हिन्दुस्तान की सबसे बड़ी जरूरत हर पेट के लिए रोटी और हर हाथ के लिए काम थी । ऐसे समय मनमोहन सिंह ने राजीव गांधी को ग्रामीण विकास के लिए गाँवों में हवाई अड्डे । शॉपिंग मॉल । और मनोरंजन के बड़े बड़े केंद्र बनाने की सलाह दी थी । तब राजीव गांधी ने मनमोहन सिंह को क्या कहा था । यहां पढ़िये ।
राजीव गाँधी ने कहा था । मनमोहन सिंह को - जोकर ।
इधर कुछ समय से विदेशी मीडिया में मनमोहन सिंह की आलोचना की जा रही है । विदेशी मीडिया की हर 

आलोचना के बाद कांग्रेस मनमोहन के बचाव में नए नए तर्क गढ़ने लगती है कि मनमोहन बहुत योग्य और प्रभावी शख्सियत है । 
ऐसा करते समय कांग्रेस और उनके प्रवक्ता भूल जाते है कि - जब राजीव गांधी भारत के प्रधानमंत्री थे । तो उस समय मनमोहन सिंह प्लानिंग कमीशन के डिप्टी चेयरमैन हुआ करते थे । उस समय 7 बी पंच वर्षीय योजना 1985-1990 के संदर्भ में मीटिंग हुआ करती थी । प्रधानमंत्री होने के नाते राजीव गाँधी योजना आयोग के चेयरमैन हुआ करते थे । तो उस समय राजीव गांधी के सामने भी मनमोहन बहुत अल्लम गल्लम किस्म के

सुझाव दिया करते थे । जिसके कारण नाराज होकर उन्होंने मनमोहन के लिये जोकर शब्द प्रयोग किया था । कारण ये कि - उस समय भारत बहुत पिछड़ी अवस्था में था । और मनमोहन सिंह राजीव गाँधी को ग्रामीण भारत के विकास की बजाये - बड़े बड़े हवाई अड्डे । शापिंग मॉल । मनोरंजन के बड़े बड़े केंद्र बनाने के सुझाब दिया करते थे । उसका कारण ये रहा होगा कि मनमोहन की शिक्षा और नौकरी ज्यादातर विदेश में ही हुई थी ।
मनमोहन को जोकर कहने बाली बात तब सामने आयी । जब मनमोहन के साथ बरिष्ठ सदस्य के रूप में काम कर चुके सी. जी. सोमैया जो कि देश के होम सेक्रेटरी सहित देश के कम्पट्रोलर एंड आडिटर जनरल , सेन्ट्रल विजिलेंस कमिश्नर के पद पर रह चुके हैं । उनकी

पुस्तक प्रकाशित हुई ।
पुस्तक का नाम है  '' The Honest always Stand Alone '' इस पुस्तक का लिंक और अन्य सम्बंधित लिंक का बिवरण अंत में दिया हुआ है । फिलहाल सोमैया के सन्दर्भ में एक मीडिया लिंक में प्रकाशित कुछ तथ्य पेश है ।
- Before he was labelled “ Underachiever ” or “ Poodle ” Manmohan Singh also had the mortification of being loosely referred to as “Joker ” And by none less than the late Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
- CG Somiah, a former Union Home Secretary who retired as the Comptroller and Auditor General of India, has this interesting anecdote about Manmohan Singh and 

Rajiv Gandhi in his autobiography The Honest Always Stand Alone.
- It may also explain why Manmohan Singh may sometimes come close to quitting, but never really does so.
- Rajiv Gandhi had a very urban-centric vision of development. Manmohan Singh at that point of time was Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission and Rajiv Gandhi as Prime Minister was its ex-officio Chairman.
- The seventh five-year plan for the period 1985-1990 was under development. After listening to the Commission’s presentation on the plan, Rajiv Gandhi spoke for the next half an hour.
- As Somiah points out in his book - He wanted us to plan for the construction of autobahns, airfields, 

speedy trains, shopping malls and entertainment centres of excellence, big housing complexes, modern hospitals and healthcare centres.
- The city-bred and the foreign-educated Rajiv had little idea of the real India. As the Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission Manmohan Singh called an internal meeting to discuss the matter further. “The broad consensus that emerged was that the Prime Minister was urban-centric without any knowledge of the socially and financially backward condition of the vast population living in the rural areas,” writes Somiah, who was then the Member Secretary of the Planning Commission.
- At the next meeting, Manmohan Singh elaborated on the negative economic indicators prevalent in the country, stating that these could not be ignored for providing relief in any future plan. Rajiv Gandhi did not like what Singh said and made some derogatory remarks about Singh’s presentation.
- Things did not stop at this. As Somiah writes, “A few days later, the Prime Minister shared his 

thoughts with journalists, calling us a ‘bunch of jokers’ who were bereft of any modern ideas of development.”
- This hurt Singh terribly and it almost got him to resign from the Planning Commission. But in the end he was convinced to stay on by Somiah. “I sat with him for nearly an hour and told him not to take the extreme step and blamed the Prime Minister’s ignorance for this behaviour. I further advised that since the Prime Minister was young and inexperienced, it was our duty to educate him rather than abandon him. I was finally able to convince him not to act hastily and that was my good deed for the day,” writes Somiah in his autobiography.

- The point that comes out here is that Singh did not quit even after the Prime Minister of the country had publicly called him a “Joker”. What this tells us clearly is that Singh would rather continue and compromise with the prevailing state of affairs than make bold decisions.
- Manmohan Singh has been criticised a lot lately for his inability to make bold reformist decisions that the country currently needs him to make as head of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA) government. His critics have accused him of keeping the Prime Minister’s chair warm till Rahul Gandhi feels confident enough to take over the reins from him.
- While there is no denying that, but the truth is a little more complicated than that. The clue to Singh’s inability to make bold decisions on his own might lie in the way Singh’s career in the government has evolved over the years.

- Lalit Narayan Mishra, who was the Minister of Foreign Trade from 1970 to 1973, was the first to recognise Singh’s potential as an economist and appointed him as the Economic Adviser, ministry of foreign trade in 1971.
- From this position Singh rose steadily in government. Over the years he held the posts of Chief Economic Advisor to the ministry of finance (the post currently held by Kaushik Basu), Secretary of the department of economic affairs, Member Secretary, Planning Commission, and finally the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India, between 1982 and 1985.
- Most of these appointments were during the rule of Indira Gandhi, except for a brief period between

1977 and 1979, when Morarji Desai and Charan Singh became Prime Ministers.
- Indira Gandhi liked to surround herself with yes men, be it politicians or bureaucrats for that matter. As historian Ramchandra Guha told CNN-IBN recently, “Indira Gandhi certainly undermined Nehru’s institutional legacy . Nehru nurtured institutions of democracy - an independent election commission, an independent judiciary, bureaucracy autonomous of political interference, pluralism, secularism. Indira systematically undermined all of this.
- The only dissent she tolerated was that of her younger son Sanjay Gandhi, who tragically died in a private plane crash in 1980.

- Manmohan Singh rose up the hierarchy during this period when Indira Gandhi was at her peak. Even after his stint at the RBI got over in 1985, Manmohan did not fade away like other RBI governors before and after him. He was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Planning Commission (a post now held by his friend Montek Singh Ahluwalia).
- Anyone who rose as high as Manmohan Singh did during the rule of Indira Gandhi would have been a very shrewd operator who, at some level, understood that the longevity of his career depended on going with the flow and executing things as Mrs Gandhi wanted them to be.
- Singh’s big moment came in 1991, when IG Patel, who was PV Narasimha Rao’s first choice for the post of finance minister of India, rejected Rao’s offer, and proposed Singh’s name instead. Patel was the Governor of the Reserve Bank of India before Manmohan Singh.

- Patel had become the Director of London School of Economics after retiring from the RBI. When Singh was offered the finance minister’s post he was the Chairman of the University Grants Commission.
- Singh initiated the economic reform process in India at the behest of Narasimha Rao when he presented his first budget as finance minister on 24 July 1991. His next two budgets further initiated economic reforms in the country. But the budgets of 1994 and 1995 were highly populist in nature, as the Congress party got ready for the Lok Sabha elections of 1996.
- The reformist credentials of Manmohan Singh rest on the three budgets that he presented as finance minister in the early 1990s. When the Congress party wanted him to present populist budgets in 1994 and 1995 he was more than happy to oblige.
- In fact, when he was the part of the finance ministry in the early 1970s, the highest marginal tax rate in India was above 90 percent. The story goes that the great JRD Tata had to sell some property every year to pay his taxes. First he paid income tax at the highest marginal rate of tax and over and above that he had to pay wealth tax as well. And so

his taxes in a given year were higher than his income. Given this, he had to sell some property and pay taxes from that income.
- As a part of the highest echelons of the finance ministry, Manmohan Singh would have been a part of the team that framed the proposals of the high marginal tax rates.
- What these things clearly tell us is that Manmohan Singh has very rarely gone beyond his brief. He has usually done what his political masters have wanted him to do. He is what, in a rather ironic way, can be called a “ team player ”. And he is no “ reformist ” as he is made out to be. That, to a large extent, explains the secret to Singh’s longevity.
- In the end let me go back to the famed character Gabbar Singh played brilliantly by Amjad Khan in the blockbuster Sholay. One of the many hit dialogues in the movie was: जो डर गया । समझो मर गया  This line is clearly not applicable on Manmohan Singh. He can be a part of a system but doesn’t have the ability to take it on and get things done.
- What is applicable though is a dialogue that the actor Om Puri said in a 2007 movie called Chupke Se - जो डर गया । समझो मर गया । जो नहीं डरा । वो एक दिन पहले मरा । 

मीडिया बड़ी बड़ी खबरें दिखाने का दावा करती है । लेकिन जब वह खुद " ऊपर से नीचे तक " भृष्टाचार में

लिप्त हो । तो खबरें नहीं दिखाएगी । जैसे rNDTV. जैसे दैनिक भास्कर । जैसे IBN लोकमत ।
Darda is Vice Chairman and Joint Managing Director of the Lokmat newspaper group. The Dainik Lokmat is the fourth largest daily newspaper. with a circulation of 10,856,000. Lokmat also runs a Marathi news channel called IBN-Lokmat in partnership with CNN-IBN. Darda had also taught journalism courses at Nagpur University.
Every girl waits for that special day / when she knows, she'll dress up like a queen and shine like a star

she will personify everyone that day but her charming looks would win the heart of just one person....Her MaN ♥
गीता सार -  इन्द्रियाणि मनो बुद्धिरस्याधिष्ठानमुच्यते । 
एतैर्विमोहयत्येष ज्ञानमावृत्य देहिनम । श्रीमदभगवद गीता 3-40 
अर्थ - इंद्रियों के वास स्थान हैं - मन एवं बुद्धि । यह काम इन मन बुद्धि और इन्द्रियों द्वारा ही ज्ञान को आच्छादित करके जीवात्मा को मोहित करता है ।
भावार्थ - साधना अर्थात मन । बुद्धि एवं अहं का लय करना । एक बार यह साध्य हो जाये । तो व्यक्ति ईश्वर स्वरूप का अखंड बोध कर सकता है । जीवात्मा अपने को ईश्वर से भिन्न इसलिए समझता है । क्योंकि उसके आत्मा पर मन । बुद्धि । एवं अहं का आवरण होता है । ये आवरण उसे उसके आत्म स्वरूप के बोध से दूर रखकर । वह एक देह है । इसका भान कराता है । जब तक ये तीन आवरण आत्मा के साथ 

जुडे रहते हैं । जीव को मोक्ष प्राप्ति नहीं होती । और उसे पुनः पुनः जन्म लेना पडता है । इंद्रियां मन एवं बुद्धि के माध्यम से कृति करवाती हैं । और हमें मोह के जाल में फंसा कर रखती है । काम अर्थात इच्छायें आत्म तत्त्व के बोध में मुख्य दीवार होती हैं । इंद्रियों के नियंत्रण से इच्छाओं के वेग नष्ट होते हैं । और इसी को साधना कहते हैं । जैसे जैसे हम अपने इच्छाओं की तृप्ति करना कम कर देते हैं । इंद्रियों नियंत्रित होने लगती हैं । और मन एवं बुद्धि का लय होना आरंभ हो जाता है । जैसे हाथ के टूट जाने पर जब दो महीने उसमें प्लास्टर लगा कर उसे एक विशेष अवस्था में लटका रखते हैं । और प्लास्टर के काटे जाने के पश्चात हाथ उसी स्थिति में रहता है । उसी प्रकार मन एवं बुद्धि का उपयोग मात्र आज्ञा पालन हेतु करने से हमारा मनो लय शीघ्र आरंभ हो जाता है । और हम आत्म नियंत्रण

की दिशा की ओर अग्रसर होते हैं । अतः भारतीय संस्कृति में तपोवृद्ध । आयुर्वृध । एवं ज्ञानवृद्ध के आज्ञा पालन के संस्कार हमारे भारतीय संस्कृति में अन्तर्भूत थी । अग्रज पुत्र अपने पिता की । अनुज अपने अग्रज बंधु की । पत्नी अपने पति की । एवं शिष्य अपने गुरु की आज्ञा पालन करते थे । वस्तुत: ऐसा करने से उनकी अध्यात्मिक प्रगति होती थी । और चूंकि सभी जीव साधना रत होते थे । अतः आज्ञा देने वाले उचित आज्ञा देते थे । कालांतर में धर्माचरण के अभाव में साधना का कृम टूटता चला गया । और आज्ञा देने वालों में चैतन्य का प्रमाण कम होता गया । और आज्ञा पालन करने वालों में भी साधना का दृष्टिकोण न होने के कारण अपने स्व अस्तित्व को बचाने हेतु अधिक प्रयत्नशील रहने लगा । और यहीं से व्यष्टि और समष्टि जीवन में अशांति एवं संघर्ष आरंभ हो गया । ध्यान रहे । अपने सूक्ष्म अस्तित्व के विलीनीकरण को साधना कहते हैं । और यह आज्ञा पालन द्वारा सहज साध्य होता है । मात्र आज्ञा पालन किस भाव से । और किसका कर रहे हैं । यह महत्त्वपूर्ण है । जिस जीव में साधकत्व अधिक हो । वह धर्माचरणी हो । उसमें त्याग की प्रवृत्ति हो । वह राष्ट्र एवं धर्म रक्षणार्थ नित्य कर्म कर साधना रत हो । ऐसे जीव की आज्ञा पालन करने से आध्यात्मिक प्रगति शीघ्र होती है । अधर्मी और पापी जीव के आज्ञा पालन से हम विनाश की ओर बढते हैं । 

कोई टिप्पणी नहीं: