Holding on to anything is like holding on to your breath. You will suffocate. The only way to get anything in the physical universe is by letting go of it. Let go & it will be yours forever.
- किसी चीज को पकड़ कर बैठे रहना । अपनी सांस रोकने के सामान है । आपका दम घुट जायेगा । इस भौतिक जगत में कुछ भी पाने का एक ही तरीका है । उसे जाने दें । इसे जाने दें । और वो हमेशा के लिये आपकी हो जायेगी - दीपक चोपड़ा ।
Walk with those seeking truth… RUN FROM THOSE WHO THINK THEY’VE FOUND IT.
- उनके साथ चलिए । जो सत्य खोज रहे हैं । उनसे दूर भागिए । जो ये सोचते हैं कि उन्होंने सत्य खोज लिया है - दीपक चोपड़ा
Even when you think you have your life all mapped out, things happen that shape your destiny in ways you might never have imagined.
- यहाँ तक कि जब आप ये सोचते हैं कि आपका जीवन बिलकुल ठीक है । कुछ ऐसी चीजें होती हैं । जो आपके भाग्य को ऐसे बदल देती हैं । जैसा आपने कभी सोचा भी नहीं होता है - दीपक चोपड़ा
Whatever relationships you have attracted in your life at this moment, are precisely the ones you need in your life at this moment. There is a hidden meaning behind all events, and this hidden meaning is serving your own evolution.
- आपने इस क्षण अपने जीवन में जो भी सम्बन्ध आकर्षित किये हैं । ठीक वही इस क्षण आपके जीवन में आवश्यक है । हर घटना के पीछे एक छिपा अर्थ है । और यह छिपा अर्थ आपके अपने विकास में सहायता कर रहा है - दीपक चोपड़ा ।
आपका काम आपकी जिंदगी का एक बड़ा हिस्सा होगा । और truly satisfied होने का एक ही तरीका है कि - आप वो करें । जिसे आप सचमुच एक बड़ा काम समझते हों । और बड़ा काम करने का एक ही तरीका है कि - आप वो करें । जो करना आप enjoy करते हों ।
बृह्माण्ड में 3 चीजें हैं । जिन्हें नष्ट नहीं किया जा सकता । आत्मा । जागरूकता । और प्रेम - दीपक चोपड़ा
जब आप अपने साथी के साथ संघर्ष करते हैं । तब आप खुद से संघर्ष कर रहे होते हैं । हर एक गलती जो आप उनमे देखते हैं । वो आपकी किसी कमजोरी जिससे आप इंकार करते हैं । उसे छूती है - दीपक चोपड़ा
The most creative act you will ever undertake is the act of creating yourself.
- सबसे रचनात्मक कार्य जो आप कभी भी करेंगे । वो स्वयं को बनाने का कार्य होगा - दीपक चोपड़ा
किसी कारण वश खुश होना । एक दूसरे तरह का दुःख है । क्योंकि कारण कभी भी हमसे छीना जा सकता है ।
ओलम्पिक पदक विजेता ले.कर्नल राज्यवर्धन सिंह राठोड़ कहते हैं - जिंदगी बहुत मूल्यवान है । जीवन में एक निश्चित लक्ष्य लेकर चलना चाहिये । एवं उसे पाने के लिए जी जान से मेहनत करनी चाहिये । हालांकि रास्ते में बाधायें आती हैं । लेकिन बाधाओं और कठिनाइयों के वावजूद धैर्य से इस मार्ग पर चलते रहना चाहिये ।
पाश्चात्य शिक्षाविद डेनियल एच वेर्नहम कहते हैं - छोटी योजनाये न बनायें । उनमें इंसानों के दिलों में जोश भरने वाला जादू नहीं होता । बड़ी योजनायें बनायें । पूरी आशा के साथ ऊँचाई की ओर बढ़ें । एवं काम करें ।
Lessons for Youth from Bhagwad Gita -
This article is 1st in the series of 8 articles which will bring out " lessons for today " s youth from Bhagwad Gita . Converging these lessons onto the ways . you live your life - shall bring " Spiritual & Material Magic " in it. Sure - you shall enjoy . as the descriptions and examples are contemporary. While you read - you may see solutions to your
‘living well problems . Jai Sri Krishna !
Introducing Gita: which needs no introduction -
Bhagwad gita means song of the Spirit, song of the Lord. With 18 chapters and 700 verses, it is the shortest and earliest, yet the most comprehensive literary work ever written in the history of mankind. Covering every aspect of human life, it ensures that it has answers for every philosophical question a man can raise. The Bhagwad Gita can be experienced as a powerful catalyst for transformation. It has become a secret driving force behind the unfolding of one’s life. In the days of doubt this divine book supports all spiritual searches. For those who understand it, Gita contributes to reflecting on the self, developing finer feelings and deepening one’s inner process.
The Bhagwad Gita is a dialogue between Lord Krishna ( Parmatma ) and Arjuna( Jeeva ) It was preached in the battle field of Kurukshetra by Lord Krishna to Arjuna as counseling to do his duty while multitudes of men stood by waiting.
Arjuna had become grief stricken and refused to fight his own family members. He believed it to be unrighteous to kill his elders, brothers, teachers, family members for the sake of glory. It was then that Lord Krishna enlightened him with the highest truths of life through the holy Gita.
We may wonder, why the Gita was preached in a battlefield when it preaches peace. Gita represents the deeper conflicts within us, the war that rages inside every soul. We all have a Kurukshetra within us. Don’t we feel this Kurukshetra daily within us ? Sachin’s guru Satya Sai leaving this Earth on his birthday and he
having to play the match for his team is what all of us saw recently.
The human psyche has a lower self ( kauravas ) and a higher self ( arjuna and pandavas ). Our ignorance ( avidyaa ) is King Dhritarashtra ! The In -Dwellerdwelling in our heart is Lord Krishna, the charioteer ! The body is our chariot ! The senses ( indriyaas ) are the horses. Our ego, pride, greed, hypocrisy, lust, jealousy, likes & dislikes etc. are our dire enemies ! It is a war between virtue and vice, between right and easy. Arjuna’s breakdown
at the face of war, his bewilderment about right and wrong in the face of intractable perplexity - these are situations we face daily. How often we face these myriads of dilemmas ! We are always at our wit’s end when it comes to the troubles in our life. It becomes so difficult to choose that we give up even before putting an honest effort. Gita teaches us that, it is when we are hardest hit that we must not quit. Instead, we must gather ourselves, rise and shine by making the right choice and not the easy choice. Had Arjuna not fought that day and the Kauravas would have won, Bharatvarsha would have surely been destroyed by the atrocious rulers.
The choices that we have in life are never between right and wrong, but between right and easy.
Doing the right is not always easy or pleasant. And by not choosing the right, we bring vice, not only upon ourselves, but others as well. And this is what Lord Krishna explained to Arjuna - Partha ! Fighting this battle, fighting your family members on the other side, is not unrighteousness. It is your karma, your kshatriya dharma, to fight injustice and restore peace and harmony. Be it anyone in front of you, you have to fight for truth and justice.
THE BEST EXAMPLE - Lord Krishna’s life itself has the perfect example of making a choice
between right and easy; temptation and duty. The saga of love between Krishna and Radha is an epic in itself. It signifies the strongest temptation in man’s life in the form of insatiable desires. But we have to overcome them. Lord Krishna had to choose between Radha and Rukmini ( his wife ) Choosing Radha would have been so easy, and Rukmini so right. And he chose the right path, thereby setting an example for all of us. It is not just about choosing the right partner or choosing the right option. Rather, this philosophy pertains to choosing the right path.
The famous poem “ The Road Not Taken ” by the famous author Robert Frost has everything to do with this lesson from the Gita. Those who have read it must have known . there will always be two roads diverging in a yellow wood. It is up to us; choosing the one less travelled by ( the right one ) or choosing the one with more footsteps to follow ( the easy one )
Unfortunately everything around us is trying to make it ‘EASY’ & is asking us to do it from the heart. Movies , Advertisements, Society everything tells us to do that way
When most things / concepts around us train us to do the " EASY " then why should we expect people around us to do the " RIGHT " with us ? Why & How ?
It is OK to do it from the heart . if it is ‘Right’ else Heart in modern times usually says the " EASY STUFF " Real power is in doing the " RIGHT " not the " EASY " EASY तो हर कोई कर लेता है । It is so easy to let ur mind do the " EASY " the trick is to zabardasti develop a habit to zabardasti do " what is right " & not " what is easy " My favourite .
what Spiderman said - Whatever comes our way, whatever battle we have raging inside us, we always have a choice. We can choose to be the best of ourselves. It’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what’s right. Rise & Shine !
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