11 सितंबर 2012

भूल पर अपनी वो पछताया करेगी

जब उसको मेरी याद आया करेगी । तब गजल वो मेरी गुनगुनाया करेगी ।
उठकर देखेगी कभी तस्वीर मेरी । फ़िर सीने से उसे लगाया करेगी ।
जब भी नजर आयेंगी मेरी निशानियाँ । दामन में उनको छुपाया करेगी ।
बीते दिनों की बीती कहानी । छुप छुप के गैरों को बताया करेगी ।
रखा है अंधेरे में जो मुझे । भूल पर अपनी पछताया करेगी ।
Boy - You Wanna Know Something ?
Girl - What ?
Boy - Loving You Is The Second Best Thing I Ever Did !
Girl - Okay Then what Is The First Thing ?
Boy - Finding You Is the First
हो इक सूरज निकला था । कुछ पाया पिघला था ।
इक आँधी आयी थी । जब दिल से आह निकली थी ।
दिल से रे । दिल से रे ।

दिल तो आखिर दिल है ना । मीठी सी मुश्किल है ना ।
दिल है तो फ़िर दर्द होगा । दर्द है तो दिल भी होगा ।
मौसम गुजरते ही रहते हैं ।
गम दिल के ये चुलबुले । पानी के ये बुलबुले हैं ।
बुझते हैं बनते रहते हैं ।
अब इसे क्या कहेंगे ? इसे जातिवाद कह सकते हैं । वोट बैंक की गन्दी राजनीति कह सकते हैं । वोट न देने का बदला कह सकते हैं । पर यक़ीनन इसे समाजवाद नहीं कह सकते । समाजवाद के नाम पर मुल्ला भक्ति कर अपनी दुकान चला रहे हैं । जिसमें पूरा परिवार लगा है । क्या बेटा । क्या बहु । क्या भाई । क्या भाई की बहु । सब लगे हैं । जनता का चू...या काटने ।

संस्कृति का मूल स्रोत वेदों को माना जाता है । वेदों में विश्व वांगमय की अमूल्य निधि छिपी हुई है । वैदिक संस्कृति संसार के समस्त प्राणियों के लिए कल्याणकारी चिंतन प्रस्तुत करती है । हमारे धर्म का मुख्य आधार वेद है । जो परमात्मा द्वारा रचे बताए जाते है ।
वेदों में विज्ञान को अलंकारिक काव्यात्मक शैली में प्रस्तुत किया गया है । जिसमे अधिकतर श्लेष अलंकार का प्रयोग किया गया है । वैसे तो वेदों की 1-1 ऋचाओं के अनेकों अर्थ हो सकते हैं । जिस पर 1 पूरा ग्रन्थ ही लिखा जा सकता है । उदाहरण के रूप में यदि किसी ऋचा का देवता इन्द्र है । तो यह आध्यात्मिक अर्थ में - परमात्मा । आदिभौतिक अर्थ में - राजा । तथा आदिदैविक अर्थ में - विद्युत होता है । विज्ञान के स्तर पर वेदों के अर्थों को 3 तरह से कर सकते हैं ।

1 आध्यात्मिक विज्ञान - परमात्मा । आत्मा । बुद्धि । मन । तथा शरीर का ज्ञान ।
2 आदिभौतिक विज्ञान - समस्त प्राणी वर्ग । तथा उनके व्यवहार का ज्ञान ।
3 आदिदैविक विज्ञान - निर्जीव पदार्थों । प्रकृति । तथा इनके अंदर निहित शक्तियों का ज्ञान ।
यास्क मुनि रचित " निघण्टु " एवं उसका भाष्य " निरुक्त " के सहयोग से हम वेदों का सही भाष्य कर सकते हैं । इन पुस्तकों की अनभिज्ञता के कारण ही वेद की अनेकों ऋचाओं के अर्थ का अनर्थ हो गया था । इन पुस्तकों को पुनः प्रकाश में लाने का श्रेय आर्य समाज के प्रवर्तक महर्षि दयानंद सरस्वती को जाता है । वेदों का वैज्ञानिक दृष्टि से अध्ययन आज समय की आवश्यकता 

है । इस कार्य के लिए वेद में प्रयुक्त तकनीकी शब्दों पर अनुसंधान महत्वपूर्ण है । तभी महर्षि का यह वाक्य सार्थक हो सकता है - वेद सब सत्य विद्याओं की पुस्तक है । इसका पढ़ना पढ़ाना तथा सुनना सुनाना सभी आर्यों का परम धर्म है । मदन शर्मा ।
I will never let you cry.
Another gruesome murder incident by a Muslim in Kolkata, Mohammad ( Munna ) Dhali killed his Hindu employer and his three other family members brutally by slitting their throats for just 5 lakhs. Please do not keep relationship with any Muslim even if he seems nice to you if you consider your life as precious.
हर चमकने वाली चीज सोना नहीं होती । ना चमकने वाला आफताब होता है ।
बुराई कभी ख़राब नहीं होती । ना समझने वाला ख़राब होता है । 

मुनासिब सवाल का जबाब मिलना । मुबारक है जरुरी नहीं । 
सवाल का जबाब ना मिलना भी । एक जबाब होता है ।
My dear me, today let me make the change .Today let me take the initiative, today let me tell you how much I love you . So, here I go  “ Hey ! You  lovely child of God, would you care to spare a few moments from your busy doings and read these words of mine written just for you ? There’s so much I got to tell you, so much to express, but there is rarely time or the opportunity to do so . I know I am so busy instructing you all the time, so busy correcting you often, so busy trying to make you 

better that I almost don’t remember to tell you what and how I feel about you…Do you know what a pleasure it is to sit behind and watch you strive each day to become what you can become ? Do you know what a pleasure it is to see you choose the right from the plethora of choices that life presents you with ? Do you know how proud I feel about you everytime your hands reach out in a bid to help the world ? Oh, the heart celebrates everytime you succeed in your endeavors, no matter how big or small they may be . The eyes shine with pride each time you give the extra bid and go beyond your limitations, beyond the obstacles and get to the other side…Do you know that you are God’s special creation ? He thinks you are special and He thinks you are worth it . Whose judgment are you waiting for then ? Whose opinion you fear then ? You deserve to be happy, you deserve to smile, you deserve to express your innerself in ways that give you joy and peace…Hey, bother not with the prejudices of the world but keep believing that you deserve the best in life and you are truly worth it . Isn’t it strange, that I take all the time and effort to tell the ones around me how much I love them and how much they mean to me, but it rarely

occurs to me that you deserve those initiatives and expressions too…I have almost let you go unnoticed for years together but now I won’t miss this beautiful opportunity…Today I want you to know that you are not alone in this huge world…Today I want you to know that I really do care about you and I will do all that I can for your highest good . To preserve your purity is my biggest responsibility and I will not allow it to be tinkered with ill thoughts and harmful feelings…I want you to experience the best of this life . I want you to live in abundance . I want you to be surrounded with love . I want to bring to you all the good things that life can offer . Today, let me not enclose this love letter of mine in an envelope, but let me envelope you with my love - Spirited Butterfly

As long as you think that the cause of your problem is “ out there ” as long as you think that “ anyone or anything ” is responsible for your suffering /the situation is hopeless. It means that you are forever in the role of victim , that you’re suffering in paradise - Byron Katie
Life and unpredictable change inspires us to let go, to be present, to remember that we only live in today . We should never assume that we can mentally time travel into the future . We cannot be there, because we are here: in today . Let go of the things that cannot be known . You and I have no idea what is possible .The future will amaze us and surprise us, in ways we cannot imagine now - Sarah
8 Steps To Cure Constipation Naturally -
1 Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily. It is very important to keep the intestines working well. Keep the water overnight in a copper vessel and drink it when you wake up in the morning.
2 Put a teaspoon of ghee in a glassful of warm milk. Drink it when going to bed. It is very helpful in relieving from constipation.

3 Go for morning walk by having 2-3 glasses of warm water. This will prevent constipation and clear bowel movements.
4 Include fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables in your diet. Papaya and sugarcane are especially beneficial. Tomato and beetroot salads are also very useful in constipation relief.
5 Apples are very beneficial in treating constipation. Eat two apples every morning. Bite them with the teeth instead of using a knife to cut them into slices.
6 The simplest home remedy for constipation is to drink a glass of lemon juice in water with a pinch of

salt in it. This will treat any kind of constipation you are suffering from.
7 Papaya and guava are also useful in treating constipation. Regular intake of papaya at early morning in an empty stomach prevents constipation.
8 You can also take warm lime water early in the morning. It prevents constipation and keeps the body and mind fresh.

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