मुंबई की लड़कियों ने रोज रोज होती छेड़खानी के खिलाफ 1 नायाब हथियार ढूंढ निकाला है । इस हथियार से मनचलों पर आफत टूट पड़ती है । मुंबई के लाला लाजपतराय कालेज की 5 लड़कियों ने 1 ऐसी मुहिम शुरु की है । जिससे छेड़खानी करने वालों की अब खैर नहीं है । क्या है ये मुहिम ? और किस तरह से मुंबई की लड़कियां मनचलों के छक्के छुड़ा रही हैं ।
मुंबई के कॉलेजों में पढ़ने वाले लड़कियों ने रोज रोज हो रही छेड़खानी । सीटी बाजी से परेशान होकर खुद ही सीटी को अपना हथियार बना लिया है । लड़कियों का कहना है कि - वो अपने साथ हमेशा 1 सीटी रखती हैं । और जब भी कोई मनचला उन्हें सीटी या कमेंट करता है । तो वो भी जवाबी कार्रवाई में सीटी बजाती हैं । और आसपास के लोगों को छेड़खानी के बारे में बताती हैं । जिससे मनचलों को सबक सिखाया जा सके ।
मुंबई के लाला लाजपत राय कॉलेज की लड़िकयों ने इस सीटी अभियान की शुरुआत की है । इस अभियान का नाम है - मैं एक बजाऊँ । दरअसल जब भी कोई मनचला छेड़खानी या कमेंटस करता है । तो लड़कियां अपने - बैग । पर्स । या फिर गले में लटकी सीटी को निकालती हैं । और कहती हैं - मैं एक बजाऊँ । इससे मनचला घबरा जाता है । और
लड़कियां सीटी बजाकर आसपास के लोगों को इकट्ठा कर इसकी जानकारी देती हैं ।
इन 5 लड़कियों के नाम - वृद्धि शर्मा है । वृद्धि लाला लाजपत राय कालेज की छात्रा हैं । वृद्धि ने अपनी 4 और साथियों के साथ अभियान - मैं एक बजाऊँ .. की शुरुआत की । वृद्धि और उनकी सहयोगियों का कहना है कि - वो चाहती हैं कि कालेज में पढ़ने वाली हर लड़की । आफिस जाने वाली हर महिला । अपने साथ 1 सीटी जरूर रखें ।
गौरतलब है कि अभियान की शुरुआत के बाद से अब तक 6 000 लड़कियां इससे जुड़ चुकी हैं । लाला लाजपत राय कॉलेज और रुइया कॉलेज की
छात्रायें अब सीटी अपने साथ रखना नहीं भूलतीं । मामूली सी सीटी अब लड़कियों के बैग में । लाकेट की तरह गले पर । और रिस्ट वॉच की तरह कलाई पर नजर आने लगी है । मुंबई में लड़कियां न केवल अपने साथ सीटी लेकर घूम रही हैं । बल्कि फेसबुक और ट्विटर के जरिए इसके बारे में बाकी छात्राओं को बता रही हैं । post contersy - awantika singh
अपनी हर सांस में आबाद किया है तुमको । ऐ मेरी जान ! बहुत याद किया है तुमको ।
मेरी जिन्दगी में तुम नहीं तो कुछ भी नहीं । अपनी जिन्दगी से बढ कर प्यार किया है तुमको । ♥ Piyuesh
अभी अभी ये खबर आई है कि - म.प्र. की पूर्व CM साध्वी उमा भारती ने अपने काफिले को रुकवा कर सड़क पर गाय को बुरी तरह से बाँधकर प्रताड़ित करके ले जा रहे एक सुअर की धुलाई करवा कर पुलिस के हवाले किया । एवं गाय को मुक्त करके पानी पिलाकर गौशाला मेँ भिजवाया ।
कौन कहता है कि - हिंदुत्व सिर्फ भारत में है । भारत से बाहर नहीं । आँख वाले अँधो देख लो । फिर मत कहना । और इसे देख कर किसी का मन हिंदुत्व की तरफ आकर्षित हो रहा है । तो हिन्दू बनने के लिए संपर्क करें । http://facebook.com/refine.muslims
Italian Village gets Sun Mirror - A sun-deprived village in the Italian Alps has come up with a novel solution to fix the problem -by installing a giant mirror tracking the sun.
Contain your experience with the divine so that it does not escape you but rather shapes you .Be silent. Silence will help you avoid engaging in the games of competition and illusion that regularly seduce us in the outside world .Silence also helps you avoid distraction . It helps focus the busy mind – the mind that always has to be doing something, thinking something, the mind that always has to be otherwise engaged lest it become introspective and allow the soul’s voice to override its own. The silence I am describing is a silence that you use to contain the grace you receive when you enter the Castle of your soul. This
quality of silence allows you to engage in discernment . You carry this silence within you, even when you are with others . It allows you to hold your center amid the chaos of your life . it keeps you clear so that you do not do or say things you will regret or make decisions out of fear ~ Caroline Myss
Kaba Was A Hindu Temple Evidence In Here -
A recent archeological find in Kuwait unearthed a gold plated statue of the Hindu deity Ganesh. A Muslim resident of Kuwait requested historical research material that can help explain the connection between Hindu civilization and Arabia.]
Was the Kaaba Originally a Hindu Temple ?
By P.N. Oak ( Historian )
Glancing through some research material recently, I was pleasantly surprised to come across a reference to a king Vikramaditya inscription found in the Kaaba in Mecca proving beyond doubt that the Arabian Peninsula formed a part of his Indian Empire.
The text of the crucial Vikramaditya inscription, found inscribed on a gold dish hung inside the
Kaaba shrine in Mecca, is found recorded on page 315 of a volume known as sayar-ul-okul treasured in the Makhtab-e-Sultania library in Istanbul, Turkey. Rendered in free English the inscription says:
"Fortunate are those who were born (and lived) during king Vikramaditya's reign. He was a noble, generous dutiful ruler, devoted to the welfare of his subjects. But at that time we Arabs, oblivious of God, were lost in sensual pleasures. Plotting and torture were rampant. The darkness of ignorance had enveloped our country. Like the lamb struggling for her life in the cruel paws of a wolf we Arabs were caught up in ignorance. The entire country was enveloped in a darkness so intense as on a new moon night.
But the present dawn and pleasant sunshine of education is the result of the favor of the noble king Vikramaditya whose benevolent supervision did not lose sight of us- foreigners as we were. He spread his sacred religion amongst us and sent scholars whose brilliance shone like that of the sun from his country to ours. These scholars and preceptors through whose benevolence we were once again made cognizant of the presence of God, introduced to His sacred existence and put on the road of Truth, had come to our country to preach their religion and impart education at king Vikramaditya's behest."
For those who would like to read the Arabic wording I reproduce it hereunder in Roman script -
" Itrashaphai Santu Ibikramatul Phahalameen Karimun Yartapheeha Wayosassaru Bihillahaya Samaini Ela Motakabberen Sihillaha Yuhee Quid min howa Yapakhara phajjal asari nahone osirom bayjayhalem. Yundan blabin Kajan blnaya khtoryaha sadunya
kanateph netephi bejehalin Atadari bilamasa- rateen phakef tasabuhu kaunnieja majekaralhada walador. As hmiman burukankad toluho watastaru hihila Yakajibaymana balay kulk amarena phaneya jaunabilamary Bikramatum "
( Page 315 Sayar-ul-okul )
Note - The title Saya-ul-okul signifies memorable words.
A careful analysis of the above inscription enables us to draw the following conclusions:
1 That the ancient Indian empires may have extended up to the eastern boundaries of Arabia until Vikramaditya and that it was he who for the first time conquered Arabia. Because the inscription says that king Vikram who dispelled the darkness of ignorance from
2 That, whatever their earlier faith, King Vikramaditya's preachers had succeeded in spreading the Vedic ( based on the Vedas, the Hindu sacred scriptures ) way of life in Arabia.
3 That the knowledge of Indian arts and sciences was imparted by Indians to the Arabs directly by founding schools, academies and cultural centers. The belief, therefore, that visiting Arabs conveyed that knowledge to their own lands through their own indefatigable efforts and scholarship is unfounded.
An ancillary conclusion could be that the so-called Kutub Minar ( in Delhi, India ) could well be king Vikramaditya's tower commemorating his conquest of Arabia. This conclusion is strengthened by two pointers. Firstly, the inscription on the iron pillar near the so-called Kutub Minar refers to the marriage of the victorious king Vikramaditya to the princess of Balhika. This Balhika is none other than the Balkh region in West Asia. It could be that Arabia was wrestled by king Vikramaditya from the ruler of Balkh who concluded a treaty by giving his daughter in marriage to the victor. Secondly, the township adjoining the so called Kutub Minar is
named Mehrauli after Mihira who was the renowned astronomer-mathematician of king Vikramaditya;s court. Mehrauli is the corrupt form of Sanskrit Mihira-Awali signifying a row of houses raised for Mihira and his helpers and assistants working on astronomical observations made from the tower.
Having seen the far reaching and history shaking implications of the Arabic inscription concerning king Vikrama, we shall now piece together the story of its find. How it came to be recorded and hung in the Kaaba in Mecca. What are the other proofs reinforcing the belief that Arabs were once followers of the Indian Vedic way of life and that tranquility and education were ushered into Arabia by king Vikramaditya's scholars, educationists from an uneasy period of "ignorance and turmoil" mentioned in the inscription.
In Istanbul, Turkey, there is a famous library called Makhatab-e-Sultania, which is reputed to have the largest collection of ancient West Asian literature. In the Arabic section of that library is an anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. That anthology was compiled from an earlier work in A.D. 1742 under the orders of the Turkish ruler Sultan Salim.
he pages of that volume are of Madinat al-Hareer a kind of silk used for writing on. Each page has a decorative gilded border. That anthology is known as Sayar-ul-Okul. It is divided into three parts. The first part contains biographic details and the poetic compositions of pre-Islamic Arabian poets. The second part embodies accounts and verses of poets of the period
beginning just after prophet Mohammad's times, up to the end of the Banee-Um-Mayya dynasty. The third part deals with later poets up to the end of Khalif Harun-al-Rashid's times.
Abu Amir Asamai, an Arabian bard who was the poet Laureate of Harun-al-Rashid's court, has compiled and edited the anthology.
The first modern edition of Sayar-ul-Okul was printed and published in Berlin in 1864. A subsequent edition is the one published in Beirut in 1932.
he collection is regarded as the most important and authoritative anthology of ancient Arabic poetry. It throws considerable light on the social life, customs, manners and entertainment modes of ancient
Arabia. The book also contains an elaborate description of the ancient shrine of Mecca, the town and the annual fair known as OKAJ which used to be held every year around the Kaaba temple in Mecca. This should convince readers that the annual haj of the Muslims to the Kaaba is of earlier pre-Islamic congregation.
But the OKAJ fair was far from a carnival. It provided a forum for the elite and the learned to discuss the social, religious, political, literary and other aspects of the Vedic culture then pervading Arabia. sayar-ul-okul asserts that the conclusion reached at those discussions were widely respected throughout Arabia. Mecca, therefore, followed the Varanasi tradition (of India) of providing a venue for important discussions among the learned while the masses congregated there for spiritual bliss. The principal shrines at both Varanasi in India and at Mecca in Arvasthan ( Arabia ) were Siva temples. Even to this day ancient Mahadev ( Siva ) emblems can be seen. It is the Shankara (Siva) stone that Muslim pilgrims reverently touch and kiss in the Kaaba.
Arabic tradition has lost trace of the founding of the Kaaba temple. The discovery of the
Vikramaditya inscription affords a clue. King Vikramaditya is known for his great devotion to Lord Mahadev ( Siva ) At Ujjain ( India ) the capital of Vikramaditya, exists the famous shrine of Mahankal, i.e., of Lord Shankara ( Siva) associated with Vikramaditya. Since according to the Vikramaditya inscription he spread the Vedic religion, who else but he could have founded the Kaaba temple in Mecca ?
Encyclopedias tell us that there are inscriptions on the side of the Kaaba walls. What they are, no body has been allowed to study, according to the correspondence I had with an American scholar
of Arabic. But according to hearsay at least some of those inscriptions are in Sanskrit, and some of them are stanzas from the Bhagavad Gita ( HINDU SCRIPTURES )
Bring your awareness to focus on something in your life that is changing or ending or dying right now. Breathe gently as you consider whatever transition is most significant right now in your life. Note any feelings that arise - trepidation, excitement, resistance, anger, annoyance, or grief . Every time your feelings get the better of you, become aware of your breathing . Meet your troubled and contracted feelings with your calm and expansive breath... Breathe, sigh, and stretch out on the river of change. Remember times when you have resisted change in the past . Regard how things turned out in the end - maybe not how you thought they would, or you wanted them to, but in the end, there you were. Wiser, stronger, still alive. Tip your hat to the poignancy of death and the promise of rebirth .Smile . Relax. Allow yourself to break open. Sit tall, with dignity and patience, watching your breath rise and fall, rise and fall . Pray for the courage to welcome this new change with openness and wisdom…Then open your eyes, go back into your life, and do what you have to do, but do it with grace, with hope, and with a lighter touch - Elizabeth Lesser
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