आजकल " इनोसेंस आफ मुस्लिम्स " नामक फिल्म की चर्चा और उसका मुस्लिमों द्वारा विरोध जोरों पर है. । क्योंकि इस फिल्म में इस्लाम को हिंसा और द्वेष फैलाने वाले धर्म के रुप में दिखाया गया है ।
साथ ही फिल्म के मुताबिक - पैगंबर मुहम्मद 1 चरित्रहीन । मूर्ख । एवं सत्ता लोभी शख्स थे ।
दरअसल इस फिल्म की शुरुआत में ही 1 ईसाई परिवार को मुसलमानों द्वारा प्रताड़ित होते दिखाया गया है । जो मध्य पूर्व में इसाईयों के खिलाफ़ हुए हमलों का संकेत देता है । इतना ही नहीं फिल्म के कई हिस्सों में पैगंबर और उनके सहयोगियों को धन संपत्ति के लिए महिलाओं और बच्चों की हत्या करते दिखाया गया है । इस फिल्म के विरोध के हालत का अंदाजा सिर्फ इस बात से लगाया जा सकता है कि - फ़िल्म के विरोध में हुए हिंसक प्रदर्शन में अमरीकी राजदूत समेत कई लोग मारे गए हैं ।
और तो और इस फिल्म का विरोध करते हुए पाकिस्तान के 1 संघीय मंत्री ने पेशावर में आयोजित 1 संवाददाता सम्मेलन इस्लाम विरोधी फिल्म बनाने वाले निर्माता की हत्या करने वाले को आज 1 लाख डालर देने की घोषणा करके सभी को चौंका दिया । रेल मंत्री गुलाफ अहमद बिलौर ने कहा कि - यह इनाम फिल्म निर्माता की हत्या करने वाले को दिया जाएगा ।
साथ ही उन्होंने मर्यादा की सारी सीमाओं को लांघते हुए प्रतिबंधित आतंकवादी संगठनों तालिबान और
अलकायदा से भी अपना समर्थन करने का आहवान किया । और कहा कि - यदि उन्होंने ईश निंदक फिल्म के
निर्माता को मार दिया । तो उन्हें भी पुरस्कृत किया जाएगा ।
लेकिन हकीकतन और 1 निष्पक्ष रूप से देखें । तो इस फिल्म में अपमान जनक कुछ भी नहीं है । बल्कि फिल्म में वही दिखाया गया है । जो कि सच है ।
इस्लाम का धार्मिक ग्रन्थ कुरआन भी वही बातें कहता है । जो कि इस फिल्म में दिखाया गया है ।
अगर किसी को कोई संदेह हो । तो कृपया वे भी कुरआन के इन आयतों को पढ़कर अपने सामान्य ज्ञान में वृद्धि कर सकते हैं ।
अनस बिन मलिक ने कहा कि - अक्सर मदीना की बाजारू औरतें रसूल के पास आती थीं । और रसूल उनकी इच्छा पूरी कर देते थे । बुखारी -जिल्द 7 किताब 62 हदीस 24
1 बार खुला बिन्त हकीम नाम की 1 औरत रसूल के पास आयी । और बोली कि - मैं अपने आपको आपके हवाले करती हूँ । आप जो चाहें मेरे साथ कर सकते हैं ।
रसूल ने उसी वक्त उस औरत को अन्दर बुलाया । और उसके साथ सम्भोग किया ।
उसी समय कुरआन की यह आयत नाजिल हुई - यदि तुमने किसी को अन्दर बुला लिया । तो इसमें कोई गुनाह नहीं है । तुम जिसको चाहो । बुला सकते हो । सूरा अहजाब 33 51
तुम्हें जहाँ भी मुशरिक ( गैर इस्लामी | या मूर्ति पूजक । हिन्दू । ईसाई ) मिलें । उनको क़त्ल कर दो । या फिर
उनको तब तक कैद में रखो । जब तक वह ईमान नहीं लाते ( मुसलमान नहीं बन जाते ) सूरा - तौबा 9 :5
हे ईमान वालो ! तुम उन सभी काफिरों से लड़ते रहो । जो तुम्हारे आस पास रहते हों । .सूरा -तौबा 9 :123
तुम उनसे इतना लड़ो कि - वह बाकी न रहें । और सभी धर्म इस्लाम हो जायें । सूरा -अन्फाल 8 :39 और सूरा -बकरा 2 :193
क्या कुरआन की इन आयतों के अध्धयन के पश्चात भी किसी को लगता है कि - इस्लाम अथवा कुरआन की कोई बेइज्जती कर सकता है ? ( क्योंकि बेइज्जती के लिए उसका इज्जतदार होना अत्यावश्यक है )
अगर मुस्लिमों को स्वभावतः किसी का विरोध करना ही है । तो उन्हें अपने रसूल मुहम्मद और उनके जेहादी किताब " कुरआन " का करना । ताकि इस
दुनिया में लोग शांति से रह सकें । जय महाकाल
नोट - अगर किसी सज्जन अथवा दुर्जन व्यक्ति को इस लेख से कोई शिकायत है । तो वह पहले लेख में दी गई कुरान की आयतों और हदीसों को गलत साबित करें ।
Highly disapointing situations -
1 Ur Bst frnd weds ur lover . 2 A close friend avoiding widout reason .
3 10 mark question asked for 2 mark . 4 Principal sitting near u on tour .
5 Xtremly gud lukin guy/gal crosing u wen u r wid ur mom/ dad .
6 Teachrs distributing ur test papers in front of your juniors .
7 Frnd calling on b'day n not wishing @ 8 Dear 1 suddenly stopped msgng .
Neem Tea Benefits have been quite well-known in the field of Ayurvedic medicine in India for several centuries.
The neem tree is native to India. It is an evergreen tree that can reach as high as twenty feet in just a span of three years. It has natural pesticide, germicide and medicinal properties, and is resistant to termites. The neem tree starts bearing fruit at three to five years.
The leaves of the neem tree have antibacterial and antiviral properties, and are often used in cosmetic and skin treatment preparations. Neem leaves are also effective insect repellants, can be used to treat ringworm and other parasitic skin infections, and
promote healing of wounds.
Neem tea is produced by taking the whole neem leaf and infusing it in boiling water. Neem tea can also be made using powdered neem leaf and combining it with boiling water. Due to its fabled antibacterial and antiviral properties, there have been evidence that:
Neem Tea can help treat malaria and other infections .Neem Tea can help treat pneumonia .Neem Tea may help in treatment of various inflammatory conditions
Neem Tea can be useful in treatment of diabetes .Neem Tea can help treat hypertension and heart disease . Neem Tea can be used to counter ulcers and gout .Neem Tea may help purify and cleans the blood.
Popcorn for Good Health - Popcorn is a healthy whole grain and a best source of fiber. Popcorn is a very nutritious choice so long as you go natural. According to a study, people who eat popcorn consume 200% more whole grains and 20% more fiber than those who do not eat popcorn. Popcorn can help to prevent cancer as research suggests. Popcorn is good healthy food which contains health-boosting antioxidants called polyphenols. It helps to reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and other diseases.
Health benefits of popcorn - High in antioxidants . Contains polyphenols that protect against cell damage .Popcorn is whole grain similar to oatmeal and brown rice
Popcorn is also a good source of fiber . Popcorn without butter is low in calories
The endosperm located in the center of popcorn contains nutritional carbohydrates, high energy proteins and healthy vitamins. Hot, Fresh, Delicious popcorn is a healthy snack and better for your health. All popcorn fans who love to eat popcorn can gift a healthy popcorn box to their friends.
When The Pain In Your Joints Come - Knees, hips, back, neck, and fingers are subject to joint pain. Here’s how to overcome them. Osteoarthritis is not very well known as
osteoporosis. Patients who have osteoarthritis, of course, very annoyed. This condition can occur in all joints, from the shoulder joint, wrist, hip and knee joints. Of all the joints, most often the knee joint and hip joint.
There are some simple things you can do to overcome this problem. The goal is to protect the joints, thus saving energy effectiveness movement, and that the damage did not increase progressively.Here’s how:
1 Get to know the pain that occurs - First identify yourself and understand how painful the process is going on and how it increases the
pain. The pain may arise as a result of excessive activity. Never ignore the pain, because it makes the damage worse.
2 Note the physical activity - Avoid activities that may injure or increasing pain in the joints, and try how to perform an activity or activities but does not cause problems in the joints. For example, if working in a standing position resulted in problems in the knee joint, try to do activities with the sitting position. Another example if you open a bottle with hand pain, you should use a tool. In other words, listen to the complaints of the joints, so you can find out what
activities should be avoided.
3 If needed there is no harm in using the tools - Overcome the pain required a variety of tools, now there are several tools, now there are several tools, to overcome the pain. In addition this tool can reduce the movement of the joints, thereby reducing the likelihood of progressive damage.
4 Choose the stronger muscles - The goal is that many jobs can be done efficiently and reduce pain. For example, lifting objects with both hands, not with one hand. Put in
elbow rather than carry bag with wrist, or choose another. Thus the strong muscles are better able to withstand heavier loads, while the muscles are not strong enough to bring a few items.
5 Position your body properly and look normal mechanics of the body - Learn the ideal posture for you, either in a standing, sitting or resting. For example, sitting upright and not bending, standing or walking upright is not bent.
6 Avoid being in one position for long periods - Do not be too long in one position, because it can cause the joints become stiff and painful. For example, too old to bend his head, put his hands on the table, or other positions. Periodically change the position, so that the joints are not silent for long periods.
7 Balance between activity and rest - The balance between exercise and sports, if the body was too tired from excessive activity, find time to rest. After resting, continue the activity. This action at least can reduce morbidity.
8 Be silent, but not for too long - Stationary position for long periods can cause problems, because it stimulates the formation of the joint movement of the joint fluid. If too long silent, were also disrupted
the formation of joint fluid. Whereas in the joint fluid should contain a stretch, bend and straighten joints.
9 Reduce weight - Excess body weight also resulted in excessive stress on the joints, as a result the joints become damaged quickly. To find your ideal weight, calculate using the BMR.
10 Use joints effectively, organized, and efficient - If you work at home or at work, plan the work carefully, pay attention to details and the estimated time required. Also adjust the equipment to be used so that you can work efficiently and do not spend excessive force simply because the tools are less comprehensive.
Did you know that you can simply plant the top of a pineapple in a pot and grow another ?
Natural treatment for acne is among the greatest methods to safely and also successfully eliminate acne in the skin.
Natural treatment for acne - Numerous people are searching for a natural treatment for acne but coconut oil is the best for natural acne treatment.
Mix lemon juice with rose water both in same ratio apply on the face and to clarify that only after 30
minutes. Use it till the time acne is visible.
A good home treatment to remove the swollen red look of acne is Aspirin. Take a couple of standard aspirins and crush them into powder. You can do this with a spoon. Then mix just enough water to make a lose paste. Put this on the problem areas of your face before you go to bed and presto in just a few days you will begin to see much improvement.
Using water, make a paste with a teaspoon of turmeric powder and a teaspoon of sandalwood powder.
Put it on your acne and it will clear it up.
Sleeping posture can also cause serious acne problems on your face. This is a habit that most people who suffer from acne don’t think about. If you usually sleep on your stomach, try sleeping on your side, or on your back. In any situation wash your pillow case frequently.
Leaving makeup products on your skin only contributes to clogging your pores, causing more pimples and blackheads. If you feel you must wear makeup, be sure it is water-based.
जिसने बनायी ये जमीं ये आसमां सारा जहां । उसका मंदिर तुम बनाओगे अमां सोचो जरा ?
बच्चों का मन होता है उपजाऊ मिट्टी की तरह । बीज क्या बोना है उसमें बागवां सोचो जरा ?
Heat Touching Lines
माँ की गोद । पापा के कंधे । आज याद आते हैं बचपन के वो लम्हे ।
रोते हुये सो जाना । खुद से बात करते हुये खो जाना ।
वो माँ का आवाज लगाना । और खाना अपने हाथों से खिलाना ।
वो पापा का डांट लगाना । अपनी जिद पूरी कराने को नखरे दिखाना ।
क्या वो दिन थे बचपन के सुनहरे । क्यों लगते हैं आज सब बेगाने ।
अब जिद भी अपनी सपने भी अपने । किससे कहें क्या चाहिये ?
मंजिलों को ढूँढते हुये कहाँ खो गये । क्यों हम इतने बङे हो गये । Piyuesh
I have heard that one priest arrived in a new town. The taxis were on strike and he had to reach the church, because he had to deliver the
sermon that evening. So he asked a small boy where the church was and the boy led him there. When he reached the church he thanked the boy and said to him - I am very grateful that you helped me - not only did you show me, you came with me. If you are at all interested in knowing where God is, come this evening to my sermon, my talk. I am going to talk about the way to the abode of the divine. The boy laughed and he said - You don't know the way to the church; how will you know the way to the divine ? I'm not coming - Osho
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