31 अगस्त 2012

Who is my love but the soul of my soul

Remembering - Diana, Princess of Wales ( 1 July 1961 – 31 August 1997 )  was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales, whom she married on 29 July 1981 and member of the British Royal Family
When you say - bye..I still wait for another msg ♥
When you turn around..I still wait for another hug ♥
When you look at me..I close my eyes..I still wait for another kiss ♥
Even after spending a day wid you..I still wait for another tomorrow ♥
I Love you..♥ and my 'waiting' says that I want Our Love to last forever ♥ By Piyuesh
वो याद नहीं करते । हम भुला नहीं सकते । वो हँस नहीं सकते । हम रुला नहीं सकते ।
है प्यार इतना खूबसूरत हमारा । कि वो बता नहीं सकते । और हम जता नहीं सकते ।
Be, as water is, without friction ..Flow around the edges ..of those within your path ..Surround within your ever-moving depths ..those who come to rest there - enfold them, while never for a moment holding on ..Accept whatever distance ..others are moved within your flow ..Be with them gently ..as 

far as they allow your strength to take them, and fill with your own being ..the remaining space when they are left behind ..When dropping down life's rapids, froth and bubble into fragments if you must, knowing that the one of you now many ..will just as many times be one again ..And when you've gone as far as you can go, quietly await your next beginning - Noel Mclnnis
If you look around, you can find a face of God in each thing, because He is not hidden in a church, in a mosque, or a synagogue, but everywhere. As there is no one who 

lives after seeing him, there is also no one dying after seeing him. Who finds Him, stays forever with him - Shams Tabrizi
A lot of criticism and lack of grace and mercy comes from the fact we want ourselves and others to be perfect and we want our relationship to be perfect too . We often have unrealistic expectations that set us up for disappointment .The prevailing message of our day seems to go something like this : “If you suit me perfectly . if you never make mistakes; if you always treat me just right; if you do everything just the way I want to, then I will 

applaud you and receive you into my life…I will love you and accept you…But if you make mistakes, even if I let you stay in my life, the very least I will do is let you know you made a mistake, because I certainly wouldn’t want you to think…you are getting away with anything…I cannot let anything slide without giving you a warning or, at the very least, a little dose of rejection because if I let anything slide you, you might think you can just do it again and again…” The problem with this attitude

is completely ‘unbiblical’…If we want to enjoy life and relationships, we need to live by the truths and principles in God’s word… His word does not teach us to be hard and demanding toward others but to be kind,compassionate, patient and gracious…God is extremely merciful toward us and He wants us to be merciful toward others - Spirited Butterfly
My love is like the Sun that warms me when I am cold, And like the cool water of the brook that refreshes me.. My love knows the secret pleasures of my soul, And delights with me in fulfilling them…Who is my love but the soul of my soul, And the reason for every beat of my heart ..Who fills me with life in the joy of her presence,

And returns to me more than I have given. Come to me, my love, I die without you .. Each day is eternity, waiting for your touch ..Remove the tears from my eyes and the ache in my heart, Be closer than my breath, all my days, all my nights  - Phillip Varady
The world’s Shortest Woman - Jyoti Amge ( 62.8 cm ) India and the world’s Shortest Man - Chandra Bahadur Dangi ( Nepal ) ( 54.6 cm ) चित्र देखें । 

30 अगस्त 2012

सोचिये सोचने में किसी के बाप का क्या जाता है

क्या वास्तव में कुछ बदलेगा यहाँ ? जब दूसरों पर पत्थर फेंकते हैं हम । तब हमें यह ख्याल भी आता कि हम खुद भी ऐसे ही शीशे के घरों में रहा करते हैं । और यूँ भी राजनीतिज्ञों और सरकारी अफसरों पर पत्थर फेंकना बड़ा आसान भी होता है । वो भला थोडा ही ना आते हैं । हमसे बहस करने । या लड़ने । मगर इस देश के मानस को जहाँ तक भी देख पाता हूँ मैं । हर कोई तो अपनी अपनी औकात के बरअक्श वही सब कुछ करने में बुरी तरह निमग्न है । 100-50 रूपये से लेकर लाखों का लेन देन कुर्सी के नीचे रोज ब रोज ना जाने कितनी जगह हो रहा है । कंपनी या संस्था के किसी भी काम से घूमने वाले लोगों का यात्रा व्यय के हिसाब का ब्योरा तथा तरह तरह की खरीदी की कीमत का ब्योरा या पेट्रोल का खर्च । यह लिस्ट आप गौर से अपने मन में बढ़ाकर देखें । तो भयावहता की हद से ज्यादा लम्बी हो सकती है । क्योंकि मैं आप और हम सब ही यह जानते हैं कि - हम अपनी रोजमर्रा की जिन्दगी में इस तरह के क्या क्या 

और कितने कितने घपले कर रहे हैं । मगर शायद हमारी आत्मा इसलिए हमें नहीं धिक्कारती । क्योंकि हमने इस सबको मान्य मान लिया हुआ है । इस तरह की छोटी छोटी चोरियों या घपलों को हम एकदम ही तरजीह नहीं देते । क्योंकि हमें लगता है कि - शायद इसके बिना काम ही नहीं होगा । फिर ऐसे छोटे छोटे घपले हम खुद भी यही सोचकर कर रहे हैं कि - वह कर रहा है । और इसी तरह वह भी यही सोच कर कर रहा है कि हम कर रहे हैं । इस तरह सभी यही सोच कर तमाम गड़बड़ियां कर रहे हैं कि हम सब यही कर रहे हैं । इस तरह यह तमाम सब कुछ निरंतर चलता जा रहा है । और ऐसा लगता है कि यही शाश्वत है । यही सही है । क्योंकि दरअसल यही व्यवहारिक है । क्योंकि दरअसल यही दुनियादारी है । और इसी दुनियावी जरुरत या व्यवहारिकता की वजह से जो जहाँ पहुँच जाता है । उस जगह का लाभ उठाने में खुद को मशरूफ कर लेता है । और लाभ के लालच के इसी गणित से उसकी चमड़ी गैंडे से भी ज्यादा मोटी और कठोर हो जाती है । जिस पर किसी हथियार का कोई असर नहीं होता । और फिर यह होता है कि - चमड़ी चली जाए मगर दमड़ी ना जाए ।

ऐसे में ही यह प्रश्न खडा होता कि - क्या वास्तव में यहाँ कुछ बदल सकता है । बदला भी जा सकता है ?? मैं देख रहा हूँ । अपने आसपास ऐसे लोगों की भीड़ । जो नारे लगा रही है । चिल्ला रही है । बिना यह जाने हुए कि इस भीड़ में वे सियार भी हैं । और लोमड़ियाँ भी । जिनके खिलाफ वो उठ खड़ी हुई है । और खुद भी वो भीड़ ऐसी ही जैसे कि ये सियार और लोमड़ियाँ । ऐसे में कुछ भी भला कैसे और क्यों बदल सकता है ? क्या सचमुच कुछ बदलने को को है ? सोचिये.. सोचिये ना .. भला सोचने में किसी के बाप का क्या जाता है ?
http://baatpuraanihai.blogspot.com/ ( क्लिक करें )
http://kavikeekavita.blogspot.com/ ( क्लिक करें )
सोचता तो हूँ कि - एकांगी सोच ना हो मेरी । किन्तु संभव है । आपको पसंद ना भी आये मेरी सोच । मेरी बात ।

यदि ऐसा हो । तो पहले क्षमा । आशा है कि आप ऐसा करोगे ।
साभार फ़ेसबुक पेज से - राजीव थेपङा का व्यंग्य ।

I am coming to believe that we commit a great disservice to ourselves when we jump to physical intimacy before we have established a relational foundation for the connection . Soul-gazing without ground to support it is merely a drug trip . It's just a matter of time before we come crashing down to earth . The keys to the temple should not be handed out hastily . In-to-me-see needs feet before it can fly . Real connection is a sole to soul proposition  - Jeff Brown

Let us never forget that our chief danger is from " within " The world and the devil combined, cannot do as much harm as our "own" hearts can, if we do not watch and pray  - J.C. Ryle

इरादे हों अगर पक्के तो मुश्किल हार जाती है । यह तो सभी कहते हैं । 
इसलिए मैं कहता हुँ । तुम जरा हौसला बनाये रखना । मुहब्बत हमें आजमाती है ।

So long as we do not die to ourselves, And so long as we identify with someone or something, We shall never be free .The spiritual way is not for those wrapped up in exterior life - Farid ud Din Attar

Don’t let the person who hurt you " keep you in prison " What happened to you may have been very painful but don’t waste your pain . Human nature says - I was wronged . Now, I want justice  .You mistreated me . Now you have got to pay me back . But the mistake many people make is in trying to collect a debt that only God can pay . The father can’t give his daughter’s innocence back to her .Your parents cant pay you back for not having a loving childhood . Your spouse cant pay you back for the pain he caused by being unfaithful . If you want to be restored and whole, get on God’s payroll . He only knows how to make things right . Leave it up to Him . Quit expecting people to make it up to you . They can’t give you what they don’t have . Only God knows how to bring justice and give you what you deserve - Datum Geplaas

Little girl and her father were crossing a bridge. The

father was kind of scared so he asked his little daughter - Sweetheart, please hold my hand so that you don’t fall into the river. The little girl said - No, Dad. You hold my hand.  What’s the difference ?  Asked the puzzled father. There’s a big difference, replied the little girl - If I hold your hand and something happens to me, chances are that I may let your hand go. But if you hold my hand, I know for sure that no matter what happens, you will never let my hand go.

29 अगस्त 2012

भारत का इस्लामिक इतिहास विश्व में सबसे ज्यादा खुनी

क्या कभी किसी हिन्दू या मुस्लिम ने यह सोचने की कोशिश की है कि - वो कौन है ? क्या है उनका इतिहास ? क्या इस्लाम भारत में हमेशा था ? अगर नहीं । तो कब आया । और कैसे आया ? किस तरह से यह फैला ? कैसे भारतीय जो केवल सनातन धर्म को मानते थे । इस्लाम को मानने वाले बन गए ? क्या मुस्लिमों को हिन्दू से मुस्लिम बर्बरता से बनाया गया ? यह कई सारे सवाल हैं । जिनका उत्तर आपको जल्दी नहीं मिलने वाला है ।
आईये आपको बताते हैं - भारत का इस्लामिक इतिहास । जो इतिहास के पन्नों से मिटा दिया गया है । यह एक सोची समझी चाल है । जिससे भारतीयों को अपने ही इतिहास के बारे में न पता चल पाये । भारत का इस्लामिक इतिहास विश्व इतिहास में सबसे ज्यादा खुनी माना जाता है । यहाँ तक कि इस्लामिक मानकों के अनुसार भी भारत का इतिहास सबसे ज्यादा खुनी

माना जाता है । इसका सबसे बड़ा कारण यह माना जाता है कि - हिन्दू और बुधिस्ट दोनों ही मूर्ति पूजक माने जाते हैं । इस्लाम के अनुसार मूर्ति पूजा सबसे ज्यादा बड़ा अपराध है । इसलिये इनका नरसंहार सबसे ज्यादा क्रूरता से किया गया ।
भारत पर अनेकों इस्लामिक आकृमण हुये । एक समय में - ईरान । अफगानिस्तान । बर्मा । म्यांमार । पाकिस्तान । भारत हर जगह केवल और केवल हिन्दू और बौध धर्म था । लेकिन इस्लामिक आकृमणों ने बौद्ध धर्म का पूरा विनाश कर दिया । क्योंकि बौद्ध शस्त्र का प्रयोग आक्रामकों के खिलाफ नहीं कर सकते थे । करोङों बौद्धों का क़त्ल किया गया । और महिलाओं को बंदी बना लिया गया । हिन्दू धर्म 

किसी तरह से बच गया । क्योंकि हिन्दू धर्म में शत्रुओं से लड़ना सिखाया गया है । बौद्ध धर्म की तुलना में हिन्दू अपनी सुरक्षा ज्यादा बेहतर ढंग से कर पाये ।
आज के अफगानिस्तान । पाकिस्तान । हिंदुस्तान । बांगला देश । वर्मा इत्यादि सभी देशों के सभी नागरिक एक समय में हिन्दू थे । जिन्हें क्रूरता पूर्वक मुस्लिम बनाया गया । यह इतिहास फिर से दुहराया जा रहा है । आज भारत का छोटा सा भूखण्ड हिन्दुओं के लिए बचा है । इस भूखंड में भी - कश्मीर । आसाम । केरल । पश्चिम बंगाल । हैदराबाद काफी हद तक इस्लामिक हो चुके हैं । आने वाले 30-40 सालो में पूरा हिंदुस्तान इस्लामिक देश बन सकता है । जो लोग यह मानते है कि ऐसा कभी नहीं होगा । वो आज के पाकिस्तान । अफगानिस्तान वगैरह को देख सकते हैं । जो कि किसी समय में हिन्दू राष्ट्र थे ।
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMY2YV9WucY ( क्लिक करें )
Islamic conquest of India. Bloodiest in the history of World 
She broke my heart, I formatted Her Samrt Phone ( Mobile ) >=) .बाकी खुद हिसाब लगा लो । कौन ज्यादा रोया होगा ? By manoj

इस तरह कैसे हम । आप पर एतबार करें । जो भुलने के बहाने हमें । याद बार बार करें । प्रीति
माँ बाप की  1 दुआ जिन्दगी बना देगी । खुद रोयेगी मगर आपको हँसा देगी ।
कभी भूल कर भी माँ को ना रुलाना । क्योंकि आँखों से निकली 1 बूँद धरती भिगो देगी ।
अपनी जुबां की ताकत उन माँ बाप पर मत आजमाओ । जिन्होंने तुम्हें बोलना सिखाया ।
Attachment is not when 2 people chat Day & Night . Its wen Sm1 msgs u

4rm morning & waits till night still having faith that a single rply will come.
निकल आते थे कभी आँसू हँसते हँसते । आज जिसे छुपाने के हज़ार बहाने ढूँढते हैं ।
कभी मिले थे जख्म उनसे यूँ ही । उन्हीं मे अब जिंदगी के तराने ढूँढते हैं । By manoj

तुम खुद से भी ज्यादा खूबसूरत हो

तुम हकीकत नहीं हो हसरत हो । जो मिले  ख्वाव में वह दौलत हो ।
किस लिये देखती  हो आइना । तुम तो खुद से भी ज्यादा खूबसूरत हो । 
Sudha Singh
Please take this very seriously. People have been receiving calls from +375602605281 , +37127913091 or any number starting from +375, +371 number one ring & hang up. If you call back it's one of those Numbers that are charged 15-30 Rs & they can copy ur contact list in 3sec & if u have bank or credit card details on your phone, they can copy that too. +375 is from Belarus From Afghanistan .. 371 is cod for Lativa...Don't answer or call back. Please FORWARD AND SHARE this to your friends and family.
Wishing a Very Happy birthday to " Michael Joseph Jackson "
Michael Joseph Jackson ( August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009 ) was an American recording artist, entertainer, and businessman. Often referred to as the 

King of Pop, or by his initials MJ, Jackson is recognized as the most successful entertainer of all time by Guinness World Records. His contributions to music, dance, and fashion, along with a much-publicized personal life, made him a global figure in popular culture for over four decades.
William James says there are two types of people - 
i Once - born and ii  Twice - born…
A Once - Born 
1 Do not stray from familiar territory of who they think they are and what they think is expected of them.
2 If pushed to the edge ( of Dante's dark woods ) where the straight way is lost.
3 Don't want to learn something new from life's darkest lessons.

4 Stay with what feels safe and what is expected/acceptable to their family and society
5 Stick to what they already know -even if they don't necessarily want it or like it.
6 May go their whole life and never know what lies beyond the woods.
7 May question later, "Is this all there is to life?
8 Lives as if the soul was a figment of a flighty imagination.
9 Leads to confusion, numbness, sadness, depression, anger.
10 Avoid, deny or bitterly accept the unpredictable changes of real life.
B Twice - Born
1 Always pays attention to the soul poking it's head through a half - lived life.
2 Whether through choice or calamity- goes into the woods, loses the straight way, confronts that which

needs to change within himself in order to live a more genuine and radiant life.
3 The journey into the woods of change and transformation is an inner one. 
4 The most ordinary-looking lives are often being lived by the most extraordinary spiritual warriors; people who have chosen the road less traveled, of self-reflection.
5 Uses adversity for awakening.
6 Trade the safety of the known for the power of the unknown
7 Something calls them into the woods ( betrayal, illness, divorce, loss, death ) where the straight path vanishes, and there is no turning

back, only going through
People fall in private long before they fall in public  - J.C. Ryle 
Girl To Boy - जानूँ ! मैं अपना पर्स घर पर भूल आयी । मुझे Rs.1000 की जरूरत है ।
plz दे दोगे ।  
Boy - कर दी ना छोटी बात ।  sweety ये लो Rs.10 और रिक्शा करके पर्स ले आओ । 

28 अगस्त 2012

मुझसे शादी करोगी will you marry me

True love is when a BOY ask the girl for a kiss and Girl simply close her eyes and allow the boy for a kiss.. But the boy kisses on the forehead and says - I have a whole life to Do that ...♥  By Piyuesh
♥ तेरी हर अदा से मोहब्बत की है । तेरे हर अहसास से मुहब्बत की है । 
तू मेरे पास नहीं है फ़िर भी । तेरी याद से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ मैं तुमको किस तरह भूल सकता हूँ । मैंने तेरी हर बात से मुहब्बत की है । 
कभी तो उसने भी मुझे याद किया होगा । मैंने उन लम्हात से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ जिन में हो सिर्फ़ तेरी और मेरी बातें । मैंने उस हर बात से मुहब्बत की है ।
और जो महका हो सिर्फ़ तेरी ही मुहब्बत से । मैंने उस जजबात से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ तुझसे मिलना तो अब ख्वाव सा लगता है । मैंने तेरे इंतजार से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ मैंने तेरी हर अदा से हर सजा से मुहब्बत की है । मैंने सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ तुमसे मुहब्बत की है । ♥ 
BY - पीयुष माहेश्वरी ।  
You have the opportunity everyday to show Jesus to the world . You do that by walking in His love- the love of the Father that was first revealed and expressed in His son Jesus and is now manifested in you . The world is looking for something real . something tangible . They are looking for love and God is the source of all love . God is making His appeal to the world through you . So sweet soul, be a light in the dark places of the world . Don’t just talk about love . Walk in love - Anonymous 
The heart left, and the Friend is ( also ) gone..I don't know whether I should go after the Friend or after the heart ! A voice spoke to me - Go in pursuit of the Friend, Because the lover needs a heart In order to find union with the Friend . If there was no Friend, what would ( the lover ) do with ( his ) heart ? -Sheikh Ansari 
the world's smallest horse, just a hair over 17 inches ( 43 cm ) tall, during a ceremony Thursday, May 31, 2007 in New York. ( AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)....
Bollywood Beauties without MAKEUP. Who is looking WORST ? isn't it amazing?

will you marry me....?? ♥♥
Let us never forget that our chief danger is from "within" The world and the devil combined, cannot do as much harm as our "own" hearts can, if we do not watch and pray  - J.C. Ryle
Germany's Sonnenschiff solar city produces 4 times more energy than it consumes.
और ये है - भारतीय स्केटिंग
क्या आप इससे सहमत हैं ?

27 अगस्त 2012

मेरी रातें तेरी यादों से सजी रहती हैं

एक पर्वत पर एक संत रहते थे । एक दिन एक भक्त आया । और बोला - महात्मा जी ! मुझे तीर्थ यात्रा के लिए जाना है । मेरी यह स्वर्ण मुद्राओं की थैली अपने पास रख लीजिए । संत ने कहा - भाई ! हमें इस धन दौलत से क्या मतलब । भक्त बोला - महाराज ! आपके सिवाय मुझे और कोई सुरक्षित एवं विश्वसनीय स्थान नहीं दिखता । कृपया इसे यहीं कहीं रख लीजिए । यह सुनकर संत बोले - ठीक है । यहीं इसे गड्ढा खोदकर रख दो । भक्त ने वैसा ही किया । और तीर्थ यात्रा के लिए निकल पड़ा । लौटकर आया । तो महात्मा जी से अपनी थैली मांगी । महात्मा जी ने कहा - जहाँ तुमने रखी थी । वहीं खोदकर निकाल लो । भक्त ने थैली निकाल ली । प्रसन्न होकर भक्त ने संत का खूब गुणगान किया ।  लेकिन संत पर उसका कोई प्रभाव नहीं पड़ा । भक्त घर पहुंचा । उसने पत्नी को थैली दी । और नहाने चला गया ।
पत्नी ने पति के लौटने की खुशी में लड्डू बनाने का फैसला किया । उसने थैली में से एक स्वर्णमुद्रा निकाली । और लड्डू के लिए जरूरी चीजें बाजार से

मंगवा लीं । भक्त जब स्नान करके लौटा । तो उसने स्वर्ण मुद्राएं गिनीं । एक स्वर्ण मुद्रा कम पाकर वह सन्न रह गया । उसे लगा कि जरूर उसी संत ने एक मुद्रा निकाल ली  है । वह तेजी से संत की ओर भागा । वहां पहुंचकर उसने संत को भला बुरा कहना शुरू किया - अबे ओ पाखंडी ! मैं तो तुम्हें पहुंचा हुआ संत समझता था । पर स्वर्ण मुद्रा देखकर तेरी भी नीयत खराब हो गई । संत ने कोई जवाब नहीं दिया । तभी उसकी पत्नी वहां पहुंची । उसने बताया कि एक मुद्रा उसने निकाल ली थी । यह सुनकर भक्त लज्जित होकर संत के चरणों पर गिर गया । उसने रोते हुए कहा - मुझे क्षमा कर दें । मैंने आपको क्या क्या कह दिया । संत ने दोनों मुट्ठियों में धूल लेकर कहा - ये है प्रशंसा । और ये 

है निंदा । दोनों मेरे लिए धूल के बराबर है । जा तुम्हें क्षमा करता हूँ ।
Will you smile if I ask you to ? Will you come if I call you ?
Will you understand if I'm unable to express ?
Will you add a "TOO" if I say I MISS U ?
Will you Open yur arms wide, when I need a hug ?
Will you say - yes wen I ask wil you b mine ? ♥♥ Will You

It takes courage to live as your authentic self..Some people, even family members, may not want to accept the real you...But if you don’t live that way, you become less of yourself and less to those around you..Walking to the beat of your own drum allows you to use all your gifts and be there for others...Every choice you make contains the choice to be authentic. When you choose to live as who you really are, you become your best self  - Don Shapiro
लगता है उन्हें भी हमसे मुहब्बत हो गई । सुना है हमें देखकर वो सँवरने लगने लगे हैं ।

कभी रात के शब तो कभी तनहाई के आलम में । दर्द की चाहत में तुमसे मिलने की जूस्तजू में ।
मेरी रातें तेरी यादों से सजी रहती हैं । मेरी सांसे तेरी खुशबू में बसी रहती हैं ।
I am a pagan and a worshiper of love: the creed I do not need . Every vein of mine has become taunt like a wire . the girdle I do not need . Leave from my bedside, you ignorant physician ! The only cure for the patient of love is the sight of his beloved - other than this no medicine does he need..If there be no pilot in our boat, let there be none . We have God in our midst: the sea we do not need..The people of the world say that Khusrau worships idols...So he does, so he does the people he does not need . the world he does not need - Khusrau
वो सो जाते हैं अक्सर हमको याद किये बिना । हमको नींद नही आती उनसे बात किये बिना ।

कसूर उनका नहीं हमारा है । उन्हें चाहा भी तो उनकी इजाजत के बिना ।
Everything that we’ve shoved away, we shoved away with a curse; most of it came from the outside.. With a curse comes a hiding, comes a shame.. To dare to be seen and to speak from what’s authentic undoes a curse.. It’s time to stop hiding behind some fiction of “bad me” and burn through to shining - Jeannie Zandi
चुपके चुपके रात दिन आँसू बहाना याद है । हमको अब तक आशिक़ी का वो ज़माना याद है ।
Boy - Hey ! Are u good in your A to Z ?  Girl - Yeah !

Boy - Look at these ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTVWXYZ  Which letter is missing ?
Girl - hmm..U ?
Boy - Yeah, where did that letter go ?
Girl - I dont know, where ?
Boy - U went inside My Heart  ! ♥
I understand that if I were to look deeply into ‘Anything’ I would see ‘You’. Then, I would see ‘Me’. But the Human Being runs from flower to flower, never to make love - not even pausing to kiss those perfumed lips... And we wonder why we Just Can't Seem to Find God - Em Claire 

The instant fish accept that they will never have arms, they grow fins...Similarly, the act of acceptance is a risk that frees us because we can’t find the growth that awaits us until we give up what is against our nature...It is “this surrender”, without knowing what will happen next, allows our life to truly unfold...We can be what we are meant to be, we must accept what we are not  – Spirited Butterfly 

26 अगस्त 2012

सिक्ख कौन हैं और क्या है उनकी असलियत

When there has been too much pain, we often forget that we have the built-in capacity to move through it to another state...God gave us tears to be cried, God gave us the capacity to express our anger, God gave us a vast range of emotional devices that, when healthily unleashed and expressed, can both clear the toxicity out of us, and also lead us to any lesson or experience of self-love living at the heart of them..In our authentic vulnerability lies our greatest power- the power to re-open and heal our hearts after loss and disappointment...Feeling the pain is an act of self-empowerment and the only way to make a break from the prison of repressed emotions, to make a break for inner freedom  – Jeff Brown 
FOODS THAT HEAL THE KIDNEYS - Black foods are the most POWERFUL in nutrients. Powerful Health Info -  Did You Know ? Foods that heal the kidneys are purple plums, purple potatoes, black quinoa, blackberries, black carrots ( purple carrots )  hijiki ( potent seaweed )  black seaweed salad, black grapes, black beans, and black elderberries.
It seems the angel of relationship can only appear when our hearts pump our eyes open..It is such a

powerful feeling that many things can go wrong..I can feel an aliveness that I think is only in you because it has been awakened between us..So, I might only want to be with you and thus abandon myself..Or you, feeling stirred way down in your depth, might be frightened by such a feeling, and thinking it is I who poked you there, you might run from the most beautiful thing to come your way. But like the summer sun I can chase to feel it set on my face, I am not it, nor is it me..Yet between us rises an unrelenting beauty that no one can have, though we can’t live without it

- Mark Nepo
The fruit of silence is PRAYER  The fruit of prayer is FAITH  The fruit of faith is LOVE  The fruit of Love is SERVICE  The Fruit of Service is PEACE ♥♥
क्या आप जानते हैं कि सिक्ख कौन हैं । क्या है उनकी असलियत । क्या है इतिहास । मेरे दोस्तो ये है सच्चाई । देखें । और उन सिखों को बतायें । जो हमारे एंटी काम कर रहे हैं । और हमारे हिन्दुस्तान की अखण्डता को भंग करने की झूठी आस लगाये बैठे हैं । चित्र देखें । 
The Prophet said - God wakens me morning by morning, and He wakens me for a purpose so that I can

hear . I am like a disciple who is taught..” It will be a good day if you start it with a ready ear taking time to listen to Him..It is important to know the truth of God’s word so that the direction God sows in your heart will not be snatched away from you through doubt..God may not layout a blueprint for your day, but He will direct your path if you acknowledge Him in all of your ways...( Proverb 3:6 ) After prayer , look at yourself in the mirror, smile and say - I am going to have a good day because God loves me..” God will renew your strength when you rest in Him - Joyce Meyer
What matters is how quickly you do what your soul wants.

O, my love..Come silently in the middle of the night

Love takes the low road, love seeks to be second rather than first, love prompts a person always to be asking, “How might my gift be used to promote others rather than myself ? How might my gift be used to affirm and praise and promote someone else rather than me ?  Sam Storms
How could I ever thank my Friend ?
No thanks could ever begin to be worthy. Every hair of my body is a gift from Him;
How could I thank Him for each hair ? Praise that lavish Lord forever..Who from nothing conjures all living beings ! Who could ever describe His goodness ?
His infinite glory lays all praise waste..Look, He has graced you a robe of splendour..From childhood's first cries to old age ! He made you pure in His own image; stay pure..It is horrible to die blackened by sin..Never let dust settle on your 

mirror's shining Let it once grow dull and it will never polish..When you work in the world to earn your living..Do not, for one moment, rely on your own strength...
Self - worshiper, don't you understand anything yet ?
It is God alone that gives your arms their power..If, by your striving, you achieve something good, Don't claim the credit all for yourself . It is fate that decides who wins and who loses And all success streams only from the grace of God..In this world you never stand by your own strength . It is the Invisible that sustains you every moment - Saadi

O, my love..Come silently in the middle of the night.
As gliding moonlight..With your tender touch..Bring sweet dreams to my eyes..
O, my love, never again..I will need to open the door, Come quietly through the door of my heart..Be there forever in my sweet memory..Come as the fragrance of un-blossomed flowers..Swaying in the evening breeze..Sing out my name over and over again..Like love-stricken evening bird in the wilderness..Come as tear drops in my eyes..Whisper in my ears like soothing tune of flute..Come as my lost love..O my ever lost love..Be there as eternal pain in my heart.. Nazrul Islam
In love, nothing exists between heart and heart..Speech is born out of longing,

True description from the real taste..The one who tastes, knows  . the one who explains, lies..How can you describe the true form of Something..In whose presence you are blotted out ? And in whose being you still exist ?
And who lives as a sign for your journey ?  Rabia
Let sorrowful longing dwell in your heart, never give up, never losing hope...
The Beloved says, “The broken ones are my darlings...” Crush your heart, be broken  - Shaikh Abu Saeed Abil Khei
We are often fooled by someone's appearance, their age or illness or anger, or meanness or just too

busy to recognize that there is in everyone a place of goodness and integrity, no matter how deeply buried..We are too hurried or distracted to stop and bear witness to it... When we recognize the spark of God in others, we blow on it, no matter how deeply it has been buried or for how long.. When we bless someone, we touch the unborn goodness in them and wish it well - Rachel Naomi Remen
It doesn't interest me if there is one God..Or many gods..I want to know if you bailing - or feel abandoned;  If you know despair..Or can see it in others.. I want to know. If you are prepared to live in the world ..With it's harsh need to change you, 
If you can look back with firm eyes.. Saying "this is where I stand..” I want to know if you know how to melt..Into that fierce heart of living..Falling toward the center of your 

longing..I want to know if you are willing..To live day by day..With the consequences of love..And the bitter unwanted passion..Of your sure defeat..If you have been told..In that fierce embrace..Even the God's..Speak of God .- David Whyte
When the soul is plunged in the fire of divine love, like iron, it first loses its blackness, and then growing to white heat it becomes like unto the fire itself... And lastly  it grows liquid, and, losing its nature, is transmuted into an utterly different quality of being... And as the difference between iron that is cold and iron that is hot, so is the difference between soul and soul, between the tepid soul and the soul made incandescent by divine love  - Richard of St. Victor

To be born in soul again and again is a positive experience, but it also involves pain..It means entering a new kind of life just when the old one might have grown comfortable..Familiarity can bring tranquility, but you also need the sting and chaos of the new...To be alive entails both of these qualities, the yin and yang of peace and pain - Thomas Moore
People think they are alive because they have soul in them..But I am alive because I have love in myself..And I’m a martyr due to the beloved’s affliction - Khusrau
If you are seeking closeness to the Beloved, love everyone..Whether in their presence or absence, see only their good..If you want to be as clear and refreshing as..the breath of the morning breeze, like the sun, have nothing but warmth and light..for 

everyone - Shaikh Abu - Saeed Abil-Kheir
Love wouldn’t deny a breath, a grain of sand or a speck of dust. It is totally in love with itself; and it delights in acknowledging itself through its own presence, without limit...It embraces it all, everything from the murderer and the rapist to the saint to the dog and cat.. Love is so vast within itself that it will burn you up..It’s so vast that there’s nothing you can do with it... All you can do is being it  - Byron Katie
Love came and spread like blood in my veins and the skin of me, It filled me with the Friend and completely emptied me..The Friend has taken over all parts of my existence, Only my name remains, as all is He - Amir Khusrau
Someone who keeps aloof from suffering..is not a lover...I choose your love
above all else...As for wealth if that comes, or goes, so be it..Wealth and love inhabit separate worlds..But as long as you live here inside me,  I cannot say that I am suffering  –Sanai 
Intoxicated by the Wine of Love..From each a mystic silence

Love demands..What do all seek so earnestly ? ‘This Love..What do they whisper to each other ? Love.. Love is the subject of their inmost thoughts..In Love no longer 'thou' and 'I' exist, 
For Self has passed away in the Beloved..Now will I draw aside the veil from Love, 
And in the temple of mine inmost soul, Behold the Friend; Incomparable Love...
He who would know the secret of both worlds, Will find the secret of them both, is Love - Farid ud Din Attar
Whether your destiny is glory or disgrace..Purify yourself of hatred and love of self..Polish your mirror; and that sublime Beauty..From the regions of mystery.. Will flame out in your heart..As it did for the saints and prophets..Then, with your heart on fire with that Splendor..The secret of the Beloved will no longer be hidden .- Jami 

Baby I am Addicted To Your LOVE

Love Is When You See Her Crying  ♥ First Thing Wich Comes To Your Mind Is To Hide Her Inside You ? ♥
Love Is When You Want Her ♥ To Sleep With Her Head On Your Chest
Love Is When You See Her Smiling .. :) You Want To Kiss Her :*
Love Is When You Pray For Her ..Tears Roll Down Your Cheeks ?  ♥
Love Is When You're Tired ..You Want Her To Make You Sleep In Her Arms ?  ♥
Love Is When She Fall Asleep ..You Watch Her And Kiss Her Eyes ? .. ♥
Love Is When You Wake Up In The Morning ..And You Want Her Around ? .. ♥
Love Is when you just want to say - Baby..., I am Addicted To Your LOVE ♥♥♥
By Piyuesh Maheshwari
साहिल के मौजों में अब इतना आलमे सुकून है । किनारों में जाने की अब ख्वाहिश ही ना रही ।
उनका ही नशा सा रहता है जहनों जुनून में । मयखानों को दूर से...

अँधेरे चारों तरफ़ सायं सायं करने लगे । चिराग़ हाथ उठाकर दुआयें करने लगे ।
तरक़्क़ी कर गए बीमारियों के सौदागर । ये सब मरीज़ हैं जो अब दवायें करने लगे ।
♥ 7 is very great number ..because 7 days make week ,
7 colours make rain bow, 7 rounds make life partner.
but most important is 7 letters make friends ♥
Place your "enemies" on the top of your prayer list and bless them...They are the mirror in which you can observe your own blind spots and dispel illusions about yourself - M.B. Beckwith 
As creatures of story, we long for story; not just wordiness but the quality of interaction story engages in us...Ironically so many of us experience great loneliness as we jostle around each other on crowded streets, overhear each other on cell phone, or cruise the internet late at night...As we practice the art of 

story catching, we can look for opportunities to insert story space into our daily life when we pay attention, and when we are paid attention to, we learn to take our place in the story going on around us - Christina Baldwin
Love always hopes – Even when you’ve been hurt by repeated personal abuse, love empowers you to hope for the best and to give a person a second chance, perhaps even a third and a fourth...Love looks for the best in people and only concedes the worst when evidence is overwhelming - Sam Storms
Two birds  Inseparable companions   Perched on the same tree..
One eats fruit, the other looks on..The first bird is our individual self,
Feeding on the pleasures and   Pains of this world;
The other is the Universal Self, Silently witnessing all - Mundaya Upanishad

It has been so false to imagine that God could condemn us or make us suffer or eventually put us into eternal places of torment... Any God or Divine Presence that could wait for millions of years to dream up your identity, your spirit and your soul could never nurture you and then prepare destruction for you... The mercy and forgiveness and the lovely lyrical gentleness of the Divine Presence is around every person... And you should never allow anyone to break your trust in the tenderness and gentleness of God because that is closer to you than the words of any other human or the stipulations or regulations of any institution  - John O' Donahue
Our Age of Ambiguity..Was heralded by the discovery..
That the motion of atomic particles..Cannot be fully comprehended:

Determining their course of travel..Inevitably changes their speed..
The metaphysics of shifts in consciousness..
Is no more certain than the physics of quantum leaps..
Should we attempt to determine love's velocity ..
( how much do you love me ? )
Then loving's flow will tend elsewhere to go..
Or should we attempt instead to plot love's course.. 
( will you always love me ? )
We shall only take our sails out of its wind..The ultimate science, 
Whether of motion or emotion, Is the art of just being..With what is  – Noel Mclnnis
Ah, how skilful grows the hand..That obeyeth Love's command !
It is the heart, and not the brain, That to the highest doth attain,
And he who followeth Love's behest..Far excelleth all the rest !
- Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
While the sun's eye rules my sight..While the sun's eye rules my sight,
love sits as sultan in my soul..His army has made camp in my heart - passion and yearning, affliction

and grief..When his camp took possession of me..I cried out as the flame of desire..burned in my entrails..Love stole my sleep, love has bewildered me, love kills me unjustly, and I am helpless, love has burdened me with more than I can bear..so that I bequeath him a soul and no body  - Arabi 
Hope is the force that keeps you steady in a time of trial...Things may not turn out the way you want them to, but even in disappointing times, there is still reason to hope...Don’t ever stop hoping..Have faith...Remember, He is the Alpha and the Omega...not only is He the Beginning and the End, He is everything in between...So, have an attitude of faith as you pray tonight...Place your trust completely in the One who was, who is, and who is to come...So, never stop hoping, infact expect a miracle in 

your life. - Spirited Butterfly 
I wonder..from these thousand of "me's , which one am I ?
Listen to my cry; do not drown my voice..I am completely filled with the thought of you..Don't lay broken glass on my path..I will crush it into dust..I am nothing, just a mirror in the palm of your hand, reflecting your kindness, your sadness, your anger..If you were a blade of grass or a tiny flower ..I will pitch my tent in your shadow..Only your presence revives my withered heart..You are 

the candle that lights the whole world..and I am an empty vessel for your light - Rumi
In the market, in the cloister - only God I saw..In the valley and on the mountain -only God I saw..Him I have seen beside me oft in tribulation  In favour and in fortune - only God I saw..In prayer and fasting, in praise and contemplation, In the religion of the Prophet - only God I saw. Neither soul nor body, accident nor substance, Qualities nor causes - only God I saw..I opened mine eyes and by the light of His face around me..In all the eye discovered - only God I saw.. Like a candle I was 

melting in His fire Amidst the flames out-flashing - only God I saw.
Myself with mine own eyes I saw most clearly, But when I looked with God's eyes -only God I saw.. I passed away into nothingness, I vanished, And lo, I was the All-living - only God I saw. - Baba Kuhi