28 अगस्त 2012

मुझसे शादी करोगी will you marry me

True love is when a BOY ask the girl for a kiss and Girl simply close her eyes and allow the boy for a kiss.. But the boy kisses on the forehead and says - I have a whole life to Do that ...♥  By Piyuesh
♥ तेरी हर अदा से मोहब्बत की है । तेरे हर अहसास से मुहब्बत की है । 
तू मेरे पास नहीं है फ़िर भी । तेरी याद से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ मैं तुमको किस तरह भूल सकता हूँ । मैंने तेरी हर बात से मुहब्बत की है । 
कभी तो उसने भी मुझे याद किया होगा । मैंने उन लम्हात से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ जिन में हो सिर्फ़ तेरी और मेरी बातें । मैंने उस हर बात से मुहब्बत की है ।
और जो महका हो सिर्फ़ तेरी ही मुहब्बत से । मैंने उस जजबात से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ तुझसे मिलना तो अब ख्वाव सा लगता है । मैंने तेरे इंतजार से मुहब्बत की है । ♥
♥ मैंने तेरी हर अदा से हर सजा से मुहब्बत की है । मैंने सिर्फ़ और सिर्फ़ तुमसे मुहब्बत की है । ♥ 
BY - पीयुष माहेश्वरी ।  
You have the opportunity everyday to show Jesus to the world . You do that by walking in His love- the love of the Father that was first revealed and expressed in His son Jesus and is now manifested in you . The world is looking for something real . something tangible . They are looking for love and God is the source of all love . God is making His appeal to the world through you . So sweet soul, be a light in the dark places of the world . Don’t just talk about love . Walk in love - Anonymous 
The heart left, and the Friend is ( also ) gone..I don't know whether I should go after the Friend or after the heart ! A voice spoke to me - Go in pursuit of the Friend, Because the lover needs a heart In order to find union with the Friend . If there was no Friend, what would ( the lover ) do with ( his ) heart ? -Sheikh Ansari 
the world's smallest horse, just a hair over 17 inches ( 43 cm ) tall, during a ceremony Thursday, May 31, 2007 in New York. ( AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)....
Bollywood Beauties without MAKEUP. Who is looking WORST ? isn't it amazing?

will you marry me....?? ♥♥
Let us never forget that our chief danger is from "within" The world and the devil combined, cannot do as much harm as our "own" hearts can, if we do not watch and pray  - J.C. Ryle
Germany's Sonnenschiff solar city produces 4 times more energy than it consumes.
और ये है - भारतीय स्केटिंग
क्या आप इससे सहमत हैं ?

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